2024-25 Welcome letter
August 6, 2024
Dear McLoughlin Students and Families,
I am excited to welcome each of you to the 2024-2025 school year! Below are some essential updates as we prepare for the school year.
Student Schedules & Open House
Please access the district’s PowerSchool Parent Portal to review your schedule and complete the required Annual Information Updates. If you need your username and password, please call our main office at 509-547-4542. Open house will be August 26 from 4-7 pm. Students will have the opportunity to learn about athletics and activities, receive their class schedule and meet their teachers.
School starts daily at 7:40 am and releases at 2:22 pm, except Thursdays at 1:35 pm.
Sixth graders start on Tuesday, August 27, and all other grades on Wednesday, August 28.
Free breakfast and lunch are provided for all students.
We know there are many reasons students are absent from school. We have many people prepared to assist with challenges your student may face in attending school regularly or on time. Please contact your student’s school counselor or administrator so we can assist you. We highly discourage families from planning trips and vacations during the school year. Students who are absent miss valuable learning opportunities that often cannot be replicated. If your student is absent, please contact us at 509-547-4542 or email macattendance@psd1.org to excuse their absence.
Family Engagement
- If you are interested, please complete the form.
Student Supports
If you prefer to opt your student out of these screenings, please complete the form.
Career Exploration
Career exploration is vital for students to understand various professional paths and make informed decisions about their futures. We would like to invite family members to volunteer as guest speakers to share their career experiences with our classes. If you're interested, please complete the form.
School Policies
We ask that cell phones are away in student backpacks from the moment they step on campus to the dismissal bell. If a cell phone is visible, it will be confiscated and turned into the office.
- First offense: student can pick up phone at end of day, parent/guardian will be notified.
- All other offenses: An adult must pick up phone from the office.
We have a district dress code to provide guidance as to appropriate attire for school.
- Please do not allow your student to come to school with any clothing referencing drugs, alcohol, or weapons.
- Please make sure your student’s undergarments and private areas are covered by their clothing. This means we do not want to see sagging pants, bra straps or any visible undergarments.
At McLoughlin, we focus on having a safe, respectful, and responsible environment. We have other important policies to help us maintain an environment focused on learning.
- We do not accept Door Dash or UberEats deliveries for students for safety reasons.
- Energy drinks, coffee, and highly caffeinated beverages are not allowed.
- Stuffed animals and blankets are not allowed as they are not appropriate for middle school.
Athletics Information
- A current Sports Physical- Physicals are valid for 24 months. If your student athlete participated in athletics at McLoughlin last year, their physical is still on file. A current physical is required before your student can participate in practice.
- Register on Family ID – Physicals can be uploaded or dropped off in the office.
- Athletics Parent Meeting- August 20 at 6 pm- A link for the meeting will be sent to the email provided on Family ID.
- All Athletes, other than football athletes, will need to have 8 practices before competing in any competition. Football athletes will need to have 12 practices before competing in any competition.
Supply List
- Backpack
- Notebook Paper
- 1 dozen #2 Pencils
- Pens: blue or black ink
- Highlighters
- Composition Book
- Spiral Notebook
- Colored Pencils
Important Dates
- Athletics Parent Meeting: Tuesday, August 20 at 6 pm online
- First Day of School Grade 6: Tuesday, August 27
- First Day of School Grade 7-8: Wednesday, August 28
- Open House: Monday, August 26, 4-7 pm
- At open house you will be able to meet your child’s teachers and counselor, see their classrooms and get your questions answered.
- Picture Day: Wednesday, September 11
We look forward to seeing you and your student at the end of August. Enjoy these last days of summer!
Julia Dudley