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Fall Sports: August 22 - October 10, 2024

Important Information:

All Middle Schools sports in our area start prior to school to ensure enough practices prior to the first contest.

All athletes must be signed up for their sport through family ID/Arbiter and have a current sports physical on file. Once athletes are signed up on Family ID/Arbiter, the Zoom invite will be sent to the email used to signup your student on Family ID/Arbiter.


  • Must be a 7th or 8th grade student to participate in sports.​

  • Must ride school provided bus to athletic events unless prearranged. ​

  • Student Athletes who are unable to play due to injury or missed practices, will not travel to away events.​

  • Communicate with Coaches reason for absences.​

  • Purchase ASB $15 through School Pay. ​



  • Must be completed and copy uploaded to FamilyID or turned into the front office.​

  • Good for 24 months.​

  • Can’t Participate without a completed physical.


  • A student athlete who misses any part or all of the school day due to illness or a non-school related absence that has not been pre-excused through the attendance office AND the athletic office, is not eligible to participate in a contest or performance.​

  • Truancy from any class or classes will result in suspension from that day’s practice, contest, or performance.


In order to OBTAIN athletic eligibility for any sport season, the student -athlete shall have obtained a GPA of at least 2.0 at the end of the semester preceding the season in which he/she wishes to participate and shall have received passing grades in five (6) full-time subjects. In order to MAINTAIN eligibility, the student-athlete shall maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 and shall maintain passing grades in five (6) full-time subjects. (Any class taken one period daily for the duration of the semester shall be considered a full-time subject).


  • NO Practice on Thursdays!​

    • If your student athlete has a contest on Thursday with a start time of 4:00 PM, we will provide supervision until coaches are available.​

    • If your student athlete has a contest on Thursday with a start time of 5:00 PM or later, they will need to return home after school and return for their contest at the appropriate time.


  • Our athletes gather in the parking lot between the football field and the main building after practice.​

  • Please be here no later than 5:00 PM to pick your student athlete up.


  • The PSD is rolling out new communication systems “Parent Square” and “Minga”. We will utilize these systems to communicate with athletes and parents. However, we will continue to utilize email as needed.​

  • Communication with your athletes coach is paramount. If you need to address a concern with the coach, please do so at appropriate times.​

  • If your student is going to miss practice, email or call you athlete’s coach.


We hope to build our Athletics ASB Budget through donations. These funds will be used to purchase uniforms, equipment, and supplies for our student athletes. Any support you, your family, or friends can provide will be greatly appreciated by our student athletes and athletic department.

This will be run through School Pay using the provided link and QR Code.


QR Code:

Use phone to scan QR code