Panther Pantry
What is the Panther Pantry?
The Panther Pantry is available for all McLoughlin students and their families. We receive donations from staff, community members and local resources to help our families. Please complete the form below and indicate which items are needed by your family, and staff will put together a bag. Not all items will be available all the time or in all sizes. If you do not see your request on this form, please mark "other" and write what is needed and we will do our best to locate the needed items. Please include your contact information, and the best way to reach you when your items are ready for pick-up.
How do I access it?
Ask a school staff member, fill out the form here, or ask to speak with the school social worker.
How can I help?
Donations of new or gently used clothes, non-perishable food items, personal hygiene or household supplies can be dropped off in the main office.